Fellowship Groups
Altar/Sanctuary Guild
The Guild is organized to handle the decoration of the Sunday altars, to decorate for special church seasons (Easter and Christmas) and to advise and consult on the purchase of necessary altarware. The Guild meets twice a year prior to Easter and Christmas.
Men's Breakfast Group
A Men’s Fellowship Group that meets at the church twice-a-month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday mornings at 8:00 am. Open to all who wish to attend. A sign-up in Fellowship Hall helps us prepare for the morning breakfast.
Women’s Night Out (WNO)
A Women’s fellowship group that meets around a shared meal one night of each month. The night of the month varies. The group visits area restaurants, member’s homes, and occasionally the church is the site for the gathering. All women wishing to participate in a given month’s Night Out are asked to sign-up in Fellowship Hall to allow for reservations (when necessary) or to help develop the meal when it is at someone’s home or the church.
Book Club
A monthly gathering of food and discussion around a Book of the Month. Usually held on Sundays after church, the group also meets in member’s homes from time to time. Members share in providing the luncheon.
Fourth Thursday Lunch Out
This church gathering, which meets on the fourth Thursday of every month and is another great opportunity for fellowship. Sign-up sheets are posted monthly in Fellowship Hall. "Lunch Out" typically meets every month at various area restaurants at 12 noon.